Wondering what the future of Instagram marketing looks like? who is not? Between the COVID-19 pandemic, an increase in social activism, and Instagram introducing new features.

Focus on Instagram E-Commerce Tools:
2020 was the year Instagram furthered its foray into becoming a digital storefront for brands and creators- now your brand can start use the instagram shop, instagram shop created a more streamlined way to discover shppable products.
It's time to create your first shoppable post! Tag products to create a shoppable Instagram feed that drives traffic directly to your store.
Short-Form Video Content:
The video is a perfect escape during quarantine and lockdowns, and became extremely popular with a younger audience: Gen Z. But they’re not the only ones who love TikTok! Millennials and older generations flocked to the app too, and Instagram took notice. Its response? Instagram Reels.
While Instagram Reels is a new feature, Instagram users have already shown that they enjoy it: there are over 500 million daily Instagram Stories users.
Instagram Carousel Posts and Memes Will Go Viral:
Instagram carousel posts and memes are definitely not going anywhere in 2021.
Influencer Marketing in 2021:
Influencers are here to stay. we predict influencer marketing will see a huge boost in 2021. With Instagram’s new e-commerce features, including creator-specific tools, influencers will be able to expand their network and create long-term partnerships with brands.
According to research by Fohr, nearly 80% of influencers reported an increase in engagement from their audience in March 2020, and we don’t see this number dropping anytime soon.
Use More Authenticity in Instagram Captions and Posts:
Authenticity on Instagram has been a growing trend, and we predict it’ll blossom even further in 2021. This year saw more and more influencers use their platforms to share less curated and filtered content, and speak about topics such as loneliness and self-esteem.
2021 is here, and with so much change occurring, it can be hard to plan ahead. you’ll be better prepared for the future of Instagram marketing — and can start allocating the resources needed for your 2021 Instagram strategy.