Boomerang videos on Instagram have been a popular way of capturing and sharing fun, looped videos with your friends and followers for years. In 2023, the trend is still going strong, and making a Boomerang video on Instagram is easier than ever. Here's how to make a Boomerang video on Instagram in 2023:

Step 1: Open Instagram
First, you'll need to open the Instagram app on your mobile device. If you don't have Instagram, you can download it for free from the App Store or Google Play Store.
Step 2: Go to the camera
Once you've opened Instagram, you'll need to go to the camera screen. You can access the camera by tapping on the camera icon in the top left corner of the screen, or by swiping left from the main feed screen.
Step 3: Swipe to Boomerang mode
Once you're on the camera screen, you'll need to swipe left until you reach the Boomerang mode. Boomerang mode is represented by a small infinity symbol, and it will be the third mode from the left.
Step 4: Record your Boomerang video
To start recording your Boomerang video, simply press and hold the shutter button in the center of the screen. Instagram will automatically capture a short burst of photos and create a looped video that plays back and forth.
Step 5: Share your Boomerang video
Once you've recorded your Boomerang video, you can share it with your followers by tapping the arrow icon in the bottom right corner of the screen. From there, you can choose to share your Boomerang video to your feed, to your Instagram story, or to direct message it to a friend.
Bonus tips:
Experiment with different movements and angles to create unique and interesting Boomerang videos.
You can also add filters, stickers, and text to your Boomerang videos before sharing them.
If you're struggling to come up with ideas for Boomerang videos, try searching for inspiration on Instagram by looking up the #Boomerang hashtag.
Making a Boomerang video on Instagram in 2023 is quick, easy, and fun. With just a few taps on your screen, you can capture and share looped videos with your friends and followers. So, grab your phone, open Instagram, and start Boomeranging!